Lemon, Pepper, and Salt Can Solve Some Illness

Lemon, Pepper, and Salt Can  Solve Some Illness

Lemon, pepper, and salt are not only used as food condiments on a salad or any dishes they can also use as medicine to cure some ailments.


These ingredients are used by many people in the world to treat their illnesses. Using home remedies is cheaper and can also save you from medical and expenses.

Here’s some ailment where Lemon, Pepper, and Salt can be solved:

Remove Gallstones

Take 3 parts of olive oil and 1 part each of lemon and black pepper to dissolve the stones. People use this natural remedy to remove gallstones. It’s the hardened deposits of fluids in your gallbladder these stones are painful because they block your digestive system.

Stuffy Nose

You need cinnamon, cumin, black pepper, and cardamon seeds grind it until it becomes a powder. It can relieve the stuffiness of your clogged nose by smelling these mixtures slowly.

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