This Drink Can Help Prevent Alzheimer’s disease and Other Illness

This Drink Can Help Prevent Alzheimer’s disease and Other Illness

This drink can prevent you from having Alzheimer’s disease and other illnesses. The said drink contains a lot of benefits that we may not know.


When cooking rice most of us are not aware of the benefits that rice water can provide us. Sometimes we just neglect it because we do not know what it can give to us.

We hear from some people saying that the water we used to wash the rice was rice water which is wrong. Yes we can use that water but it does not contain the same health benefits. The original rice water is the one we can obtain from boiling the rice.

Adding more water than our usual water we prepare to the rice when cooking. In this way we can obtain rice water from it. We can drink it while hot and still we can still and when it cool down we can use it to wash our face or hair. Here are some health benefits of drinking rice water:

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