ELECTRONICALLY CONNECTED: Ways on How to Disconnect Yourself

Here are the ways on how to disconnect yourself away from electronics.

ELECTRONICALLY CONNECTED – Gadgets all day, gadgets all night. On this generation, you can’t live without having your gadgets with you. How can you disconnect yourself from electronics just for a meantime?

electronically connected
Photo from weare.techohio.ohio.gov

Internet is essential to every person’s life in today’s time. You may think that having been connected electronically makes you realize that you can’t have time for yourself without getting disconnected. Here are some ways on how to disconnect yourself from electronics.

Make your bedroom off-limits to electronics

Don’t let your gadgets stay even in your bedroom. Let it stay in a designated area that is far from your bedroom.

Take an inventory of your hobbies

You must list down all your day-to-day habits excluding the use of electronics. If you can’t name them, the internet will replace that habit you can’t name of.

Find a place that has no network coverage

Look for a place that makes you back to an older era — where you don’t need a network coverage in order for you to have a conversation with. It can be in a remote area or on a restaurant that doesn’t allow to use gadgets inside.

Play games without the use of electronics

Try playing outdoor games, like basketball or volleyball, or even indoor games, such as chess and scrabble, together with your friends. You can play whatever you want without worrying about what’s happening in your social life.

Make your gadgets in a designated room

According to WikiHow, you must design your home environment. Before you sleep at night, you must place your gadgets, such as computers and phones, in a designated room in order for you to get disconnected easily as well as it will make your room even more organized.

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