Stop Comparing Yourself | Ways on How Can You Avoid Insecurities

Insecurities are normal but don’t make it as a habit. That’s not good!

If you feel envious and discontented with your life, then you need to stop comparing yourself to others. You can be demotivated if you continued it.

stop comparing yourself
Photo from Pixabay

How can you stop comparing yourself with others? Here are the ways on how can you avoid your insecurities in life.

Be aware of your triggers and avoid it

Make a list of who and what you frequently envy or compare yourself to — it could be someone you idolize for or even a person who has the latest technology. Write how each negatively affects you both mentally and emotionally, and why it’s actually a waste of your time. You must need to avoid comparison triggers if possible.

Repeat whenever necessary: “Money doesn’t buy happiness, and never will”

Wealth, beyond having the basics in life, is not associated with increased happiness or well-being. So if you think that money is happiness, think again. You need to keep it in mind that it’s not the money that makes you satisfy, happiness does.

Be grateful for the good in your life, and resist any lies that shout “It’s not enough”

Don’t just think that it’s still enough. The more you’re not contented in your life, the greater the chance that you can have “Grass Is Greener Syndrome” (or GIGS). It’s better if you will think of how lucky you are in your own ways.

Use comparison as motivation to improve what actually matters

Don’t say “I wish I could have it”, instead, say “I can have it, not now but soon.” According to an article, you can use comparison in order “to become a better person and maybe even make your little corner of the world a better place.”

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