What You Want to Know More About Excessive Sleepiness

What does Excessive Sleepiness all about? Read it here!

Excessive Sleepiness may also be known as hypersomnia. This occurs when you have too much time to sleep, this may affect your everyday activities.

Excessive Sleepiness
Photo by Vecteezy

Once you have too much time to sleep and waking up late, you may tend to have a panic attack if you have deadlines to meet, meetings to set, and a lot more.


These symptoms may vary on different people; but for certain circumstances, you may feel tired even after having a long period of sleep. You may be experiencing either having a quality sleep yet having a struggle when you wake up, or even sleeping for longer hours of sleep yet you may still feel weak and disoriented.


If you think you have this condition, you need to go to your doctor for an initial diagnosis. This diagnosis allows your doctor to determine whether you have bad sleeping habits or you have sleeping disorders.

In order for your doctor to collect information about your condition, he or she may ask you these questions:

  • How long have you felt excessively sleepy?
  • How many hours have you slept every single night?
  • How frequent you wake up regularly during the night?
  • Are there any changes in your surroundings that may affect your sleep?

Once you answered all of these questions, your doctor can evaluate your condition. This can help your doctor identify if your excessive sleepiness was caused by your bad sleeping habits or a sleeping disorder.

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