From Night Owl to Early Bird: How Can You Alter Your Body Clock?

How can you alter your body clock? Here are some tips to do this.

Your circadian rhythm or your body clock is responsible for keeping you awake or asleep at a different time of the day. This will transform you from night owl to early bird.

From Night Owl To Early Bird
Photo by Vecteezy

Here are some tips you can do in order to alter your body clock or your circadian rhythm. Have a look!

Adjust the morning first

You need to adjust your morning schedule by sleeping earlier than usual and waking up to your typical wake-up schedule.  You need to be consistent if you do this tip.

Go slow

If you’re not comfortable with your current wake-up schedule, you need to adjust your alarm for 15 minutes ahead until you arrive at your new time that you’re comfortable with. You just need to go slow with your sleep schedule instead of pushing yourself to go fast.

Have a bright morning

You need to expose yourself to these lights. These lights can decrease your body’s production of sleep-inducing melatonin, and these make you feel more alert.

Stay steady

You need to stick to your regular sleep schedule on weekends in order for you to adjust your body on a newer schedule on weekdays. This may benefit your body from going to bed and waking up at the same time every day.

Once you follow these tips to alter your body clock or your circadian rhythm, you may be able to transform yourself from night owl to early bird.

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