I Entered The Bedroom There are 34 people. You killed 30 Riddle Answer

Answer To The Riddle “I Entered The Bedroom, There Are 34 People”

RIDDLES – A riddle that goes “I entered the bedroom, there are 34 people, you killed 30” is making rounds on social media.

In the previous months during the early days of the quarantine “, I won against riddles” became popular on sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Apparently, these types of riddles are back again. It’s the same concept, but this time, some variables have changed.

I Entered The Bedroom There are 34 people. You killed 30 Riddle Answer

If you look closely at the riddle, it said that “I entered the bedroom”. Next, it stated that there are 34 people and you killed 30. The question now is how many people are in the bedroom?

The answer to the riddle is 1. Because you were the only one who entered the bedroom. Furthermore, the riddle stated that there are 34. However, it did not state which room the people were. But, what we do know is that it was only 1 person who entered the bedroom.

Even if you killed 30, it doesn’t mean that the 30 people were in the bedroom with you. That’s why the answer to the I entered the bedroom riddle is simply 1.

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