10 Wrong Phrases That Most People Unknowingly Say

wrong phrases

Here are the wrong phrases that most people say There are several wrong phrases that most of the people unknowingly say as they strike a conversation with other people. Here are the examples. 1. I could care lessCORRECT: I couldn’t care less. It means that you really don’t care.EXAMPLE: When someone says that your ex-boyfriend … Read more

15 Commonly Mispronounced Words In The English Language

mispronounced words

Know the correct pronunciation of these 15 commonly mispronounced English words There are quite a lot of mispronounced English words and here are some of them and the right pronunciation. 1. Margarine/ˈmärj(ə)rən/ Noun: a butter substitute made from vegetable oils or animal fatsThe letter ‘G’ is pronounced like ‘J’ 2. Chimera /kīˈmirə,kəˈmirə/Noun: (in Greek mythology) … Read more

English Idiomatic Expressions: Examples & Meanings

idiomatic expressions

Here are some of the common English idiomatic expressions and meanings Idiomatic expressions have been a part of the English language around since time immemorial and here are some common examples. Idioms, another term, are defined as a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual … Read more