Traditional Jeepney Transformed into a Modern Marvel in Iloilo City

Modern Traditional Jeepney

As the debate over the jeepney modernization program continues across the Philippines, a unique and uplifting story emerges from Iloilo. In Villa Arevalo, a traditional jeepney has been transformed to resemble the modernized vehicles that are at the center of the national controversy, bringing a mix of nostalgia and innovation to its passengers. The modified … Read more

Committee Urges Extension: Pleading for Deadline Postponement in PUV Modernization Program

Jeepney Consolidation Date Extended

The House Committee on Transportation has passed a resolution urging President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. to reevaluate the set date for the consolidation of the industry under the PUV modernization program and extend it until the government can formulate a concrete plan to address implementation issues. Despite the program’s objective to improve the state of passenger … Read more