Introducing: New Type Of Instagram Carousel Ads

Introducing: New Instagram Carousel Ads

Instagram carousel ads had initiated a new type of ad unit that enables the reader to slide left to know more about the brand or product.

In order for them to reach people on Instagram in 2013, Instagram started to offer a way for advertisers.

The Instagram company hasn’t yet flooded its feed with sponsored messages, rather they take booth methods, limits the advertisers and ensures that the ads are an aesthetic fit.

instagram carousel ads

This new ad feature of Instagram will allow brands to posts numerous pictures which able the user to scroll down by swiping the phone screen with their finger just as what the users do with Tinder.

According to Instagram, they mentioned that it can receive feedback to the community saying, they are interested in learning more about the product or brand after they stimulated from the subsidize video or photo.

Watch the video below to see how carousel ads work.
video credits: B-Side Comunicação


According to viralblog, this new advertising of Instagram provides marketers advanced ways to leverage the photo app.

In fact, a certain fashion company can use carousel ads to deconstruct the individual products in a ‘look.’

Carousel ads can be also used by the car company to share other features of vehicle and newest models of cars and provide a link to learn more about a particular product. Even an advertiser can showcase its multiple ingredients to make a delicious meal.

Instagram is now introducing its new format. This carousel ad will soon show up in the users feed in coming weeks.

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