Phrasal Verbs – List Of Examples With Meaning

What are the phrasal verbs? Here’s an extensive list.

PHRASAL VERBS – There are thousands of them and here is a list of some of the most commonly used ones and their meaning.

Phrasal verbs are phrases or groups of two or more words that when used together, creates a new meaning that is different to the meaning of the original verb. It is composed of a verb and a preposition or a verb and an adverb. It has several types: transitive, intransitive, separable, and inseparable.  

Phrasal Verbs

Here are some examples with their definitions:

  1. abide by – To respect or obey a decision
  2. account for – To explain, give a reason
  3. add up – To make sense
  4. advise against – To recommend not doing something
  5. agree with – To have the same opinion as someone else
  6. allow for – To take into consideration
  7. appeal to – To plead or make a request; To be attractive or interesting
  8. back away – To move backwards
  9. back down – To withdraw
  10. back up – To give support or encouragement
  11. block off – To separate using a barrier
  12. blow up – To explode; To get angry
  13. boil down to – To be summarized as
  14. break away – To separate from a crowd
  15. break into – To enter by force
  16. break out – To start suddenly
  17. break up – To come to an end
  18. bring up – To raise (a child)
  19. burn out – stop (something) working
  20. call back – To return a phone call
  21. call off – To cancel
  22. calm down – To become more relaxed
  23. carry on – To continue
  24. call around – To contact multiple people
  25. come around – To change one’s opinion or see a new point of view
  26. check in – To register at a hotel or airport
  27. clam up – To refuse to speak
  28. clamp down on – To act strictly to prevent something
  29. come forward – To present oneself
  30. count on – To rely or depend on 
  31. cut down on – To reduce in number or size
  32. deal with – To handle, take care of
  33. die down – To calm down, become less strong
  34. do without – To manage without
  35. dress up – Wear elegant clothes
  36. drop off – To deliver someone or something
  37. drop out – To leave school without finishing
  38. ease off – To reduce, become less severe or slow down
  39. end in – To finish in a certain way
  40. end up – To finally reach a state
  41. fall through – To fail; doesn’t happen
  42. figure out – To understand, find the answer
  43. find out – To discover or obtain information
  44. get along (with) – To be on good terms; work well with
  45. get away – To escape
  46. get in or get into (+noun) – To enter
  47. get off – To leave; To remove
  48. get rid of – To eliminate
  49. get up – To rise, leave bed
  50. give up – To stop doing something

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