Types Of Letters and Some Letter Writing Tips

These are the different types of letters and some tips in writing.

TYPES OF LETTERS – Letter writing is still being used nowadays but instead of holding a hardcopy, it now comes in digital form, and here are some types of this.

A letter is a written message that is printed and sometimes, can be handwritten. It can be sent through mail or post in an envelope but nowadays, we now have emails, a form of communication that has become a norm. The art of letter writing has seemingly taken a backseat but under some circumstances like a cover letter for a job, sending a letter to a recipient remains to be important which is why it is important to know the basics of making a letter.

Types Of Letters

The 2 types are:

  • Formal Letter
    This type of letter includes business letters which should be clear and concise as they bring important information and details. The language used is more professional than informal letters. It should contain ‘the Receiver’s Address’, ‘Subject’, and ‘Signature’ with the correct spelling of all words, correct grammar, and correct punctuation.
  • Informal Letter
    This is the type that you write for friends and family which can be written in a conversational style. The language can be colloquial which means it is the more eased type of formal letter. But just like with the formal letter, it is important to write with the correct spelling of all words, correct grammar, and correct punctuation. It also must include details such as the sender’s address, date, greeting, body of the letter, subscription, and signature.

There are different kinds of letters according to purpose:

  • Student Letters
  • Employee Letters
  • Business Letters
  • Referral Letters

Here are some letter writing tips:

  1. The first step of the letter-writing process is knowing the type of letter you need to write.
  2. Establish the main intent of the letter. Once you write, get to the point straight away, most especially in formal letters. Clearly state the purpose of your letter immediately.
  3. A letter must be polite and considerate, therefore, be careful of your language. This applies to all types of letter.
  4. The length of your letter must also be considered. For a formal letter, it should be precise, short, and immediately on point. As for the informal letter, it must be based on the message and the relationship of the sender to the recipient.

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