Philippine Government Agencies and Their Abbreviations

Here’s the list of Philippine government agencies and their abbreviations.

PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT AGENCIES – Here’s a list of these agencies that maintain the orderliness of the country and their abbreviations.

These agencies play crucial roles in terms of maintaining order in the country, delivering public services, and moving forward to development. There are agencies for law and order, economic development, social services and welfare, education, culture, infrastructure, transportation, environmental and natural resources, disaster management, health and public safety, foreign relations, agriculture, and food safety.

Philippine Government Agencies

Here are the Philippine government agencies with their abbreviations:

ACPC Agricultural Credit Policy Council
ADPAgricultural Development Project
AFCAgriculture and Fishery Council
ANGOCAsian Nongovernmental Organizations Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development
ARBsAgrarian Reform Beneficiaries
ARPCSSAgrarian Reform Provincial Committee for Support Service
ARRDAgrarian Reform and Rural Development
ARTsAgrarian Reform Technicians
ASDARAssociation of Social Development Agencies
BAEXBureau of Agricultural Extension
BARBDBureau of Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Development
BARCsBarangay Agrarian Reform Councils
BARIEBureau of Agrarian Information and Education
CARECoastal Area Resource and Enterprise
CARPComprehensive Agrarian
CCPAPCoordinating Committee on the Philippine Assistance Program
CENROCommunity Environment and Natural Resources Officer
CIDACanadian International Development Agency
CIPSCommunity Information and Planning Systems
CLOAsCertificate of Land Ownership Awards
COsCommunity Organizers
COACommission on Audit
CPARCongress for a People’s Congress Reform
CRTDCenter for Rural Technology Development
CUsColleges and Universities
CUPCooperative Union of the Philippines
DADepartment of Agriculture
DAPDevelopment Academy of the Philippines
DARDepartment of Agrarian Reform
DARABDepartment of Agrarian Reform Adjudicatory Board
DBMDepartment of Budget and Management
DCAPDutch CARP Assistance Programme
DENRDepartment of Environment and Natural Resources
DFADepartment of Foreign Affairs
DOHDepartment of Health
DOLEDepartment of Labor and Employment
DOSTDepartment of Science and Technology
DPWHDepartment of Public Works and Highways
DRDAPDutch Rural Development Assistance Programme
DSFDepartment of Social Forestry
DTIDepartment of Trade and Industry
ESCAPEconomic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
ESDFEastern Samar Development Foundation, Inc.
FAOFood and Agriculture Organization
FCDEPFarmers Cooperative Development Exchange Program
FEPFarmer Exchange Program
FSDCFarm System Development Corporation
HARIBONHaribon Foundation for Conservation of Natural Resources
IASInter-Agency Secretariat
IDPInstitutional Development Project
IESAMInstitute of Environmental Science and Management
IGPIncome Generating Project
ILOInternational Labour Organization
IPCInstitute of Philippine Culture
IRFIntegrated Rural Financing
ISFPIntegrated Social Forestry Program
JCJoint Committee
LEADLivelihood Enhancement for Agricultural Development
LGUsLocal Government Units
LISLocal Implementing Structures
MAFCMunicipal Agricultural and Fisheries Council
MAPManagement Association of the Philippines
MAROsMunicipal Agrarian Reform Officers
MASS-SPECCMindanao Alliance of Self-Help Societies, Inc.-Southern Philippines Educational Cooperative Center
MDCMindanao Development Center
MINCARRDMindanao Center for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development and Rural Development
MTAPManagement Training and Assistance Program
MTPDPMedium-Term Philippine Development Plan
NACFARNationwide Coalition of Fisherfolks for Aquatic Reform
NAFCNational Agricultural and Fishery Council
NAMRIANational Mapping Resources Information Authority
NATCCONational Confederation of Cooperative, Inc.
NEDANational Economic and Development Authority
NGONongovernment Organization
NIANational Irrigation Authority
NMCNational Management Committee
NROsNEDA Regional Offices
ODOutreach Desk
ODAOfficial Development Assistance
ODISCOOrganic, Diversified, Integrated, Scientific Cooperative
OLTOperation Land Transfer
OTRADEVOrganization for Training Research and Development Foundation, Inc
PACAPPhilippine Australian Community Assistance Program
PAFCProvincial Agricultural and Fisheries Council
PAFIDPhilippine Association for Intercultural Development
PAKISAMAPambansang Kilusan ng mga Samahang Magsasaka
PARCPresidential Agrarian Reform Council
PARCCOMProvincial Agrarian Reform Committee
PARCODEPeople’s Agrarian Reform Code
PARDPresidential Adviser on Rural Development
PBSPPhilippine Business for Social Progress
PCOProject Coordinating Office
PDAPPhilippine Development Assistance Program
PDCProvincial Development Council
PENROProvincial Environment and Natural Resources Officer
PHILDHRRAPhilippine Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas
PLFIPeople’s Livelihood Foundation, Inc.
PMCProvincial Management Committee
PMEBPre-Membership Education Seminar
PMSPresidential Management Staff
PMSProject Management Service
POPeople’s Organization
PPOPlanning and Policy Office
PROCESSParticipatory Research, Organization of Communities, and Education Towards Struggle for Self-Reliance
PVOPrivate Volunteer Organization
RAFCRegional Agricultural and Fisheries Council
RDCRegional Development Council
SDCSocial Development Committee
SDMISocial Development Management Institute
SDSSocial Development Staff
SFOSmall Farmers Organization
SIARTSummer Institute on Agrarian Reform
SOPsStandard Operating Procedures
SSOSupport Services Office
TACTRIPARRD Advisory Committee
TCTechnical Committee
TCPTechnical Cooperation Project
TRIPARRDTripartite Partnership for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development
UDWGUpland Development Working Group
UNACUpland NGO Assistance Committee
UNDPUnited Nations Development Programme
UPLBUniversity of the Philippines at Los Baños
USAIDUnited Slates Agency for International Development
VICTOVisayas Cooperative Development Center, Inc.
VOSVoluntary Offer to Sell
WCARRDWorld Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development
WWFWorld Wildlife Fund

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