Prefixes and Suffixes – Definition and Examples

What are the prefixes and suffixes? Here are some examples.

PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES – A base word can stand along but with the addition of some letter in either before or after the word can create a new word with a different meaning.

What are the prefixes and suffixes?

Prefixes and Suffixes

They are the short syllables added to the beginning or end of base words. This addition can change their meaning or function in a sentence.

A prefix is a syllable added at the beginning to change the word’s meaning or function. When adding this, you can just write the syllable attached to the base word. For example, popular to unpopular. However, if ‘non’ and ‘ex’ are added, it must come with a hyphen added between the syllable and the word. For example violence to nonviolence.

Most common prefixes are:

  • A- (abiotic, atypical)
  • Un- (undo, unfold)
  • Im- (impolite, immature)
  • In- (intolerant, indisciplined)
  • Il- (illogical, illegible)
  • Ir- (irregular, irresponsible)
  • De- (decode, destress)
  • Re- (redo, reappear)
  • Dis- (disinterested, disobedient)
  • Mis- (misunderstand, misinterpret)
  • Pro- (proactive)
  • Sub- (subconscious, substandard)
  • Pre- (preset, predetermine)
  • Non- (nonexistent, non-violence)
  • Anti- (antifungal, antiviral)
  • Post- (postmodern, postoperative)
  • Inter- (interdependent, interrelated)

A suffix, on the other hand, is a syllable added at the end of a base word and it can contain two to four letters. Just like the prefix, the addition creates a new word with a different meaning. For the base words ending in consonants apart from “y”, just simply add the syllable at the end. For words ending in “y”, change “y” to “i” then add the syllable but in this case, there’s an exception to monosyllabic words that has no vowels like shy to shyly or sly to slyly.

Most common suffixes are:

  • -y (honesty, noisy)
  • -ly (quickly, softly)
  • -ty (loyalty, sincerity)
  • -ry (bravery, mockery)
  • -er (larger, brighter)
  • -al (parental, bacterial)
  • -est (fastest, biggest)
  • -age (usage, breakage)
  • -ing (trying, binding)
  • -ful (truthful, fruitful)
  • -ment (shipment, basement)
  • -ness (happiness, blindness)
  • -able (bearable, eatable)
  • -ible (sensible, convertible)
  • -less (fearless, baseless)
  • -ship (friendship, internship)
  • -hood (parenthood, brotherhood)
  • -sion (conversion, invasion)
  • -tion (invention, exhibition)

Words with both prefix and suffix:

PrefixBase WordSuffixNew word

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