This is the backstory of the life of Ellen Adarna, the woman who has become controversial
This is a backstory of the life of a controversial woman names Ellen Adarna who does not care what other people may say about her.
Her name is Ellen Adarna and she is from Cebu who during her teenage years ran away from their home.
When she was in high school, she loves taking pictures of herself and post them online through the social network site Friendster.

Prior to her exodus from her hometown, Ellen works as an assistant to her father in their family business.
However, Ellen and her father had a fight which made her decide to run away. She was broke back then when she went to Manila.
Unfortunately, she got an offer from a television network.
Her hobby of posting her photos online earned her popularity that led to a slew of magazine covers and viral videos, including an endorsement for cosmetic surgery for the Belo Medical Center, based on Rappler’s report.
And that is how her career in show business began.
Showbiz taught her to live up to a certain image but it was not fitting for her. She said, “I just can’t lie”.
But she is willing to strip in front of the camera. It is the job she is willing to do when the camera starts to roll. She does not care about without clothes at all.
Because of this, people had been calling her negative names and her answer to these is her middle finger.
Ellen admits that there are times that she feels ugly – when she wakes up, when she feels bloated, and every time that she feels she is.
There was a time when she felt confused about her career in showbiz. She admitted that her commitment to the industry is half-hearted.

Times came when she likes it but there were also times she doesn’t. The easy income is good but the demands are just too much for her sometimes.
One of the highlights in Ellen’s backstory is her reconciliation with her father.
With the recent controversies that involved her name, Ellen Adarna is still the same. She still does not care.
According to a report, when people call her a “bad woman”, her answer is f___ you too.