Queenie Padilla Shares The Bad Effect Of Showbiz In Her Teenage Years

Queenie Padilla shared on her recent Instagram post the bad effect to her of show business when she was a teenager.

Queenie Padilla grew up in the world of show business as she is the eldest daughter of Robin Padilla and Liezl Sicangco.

Being in a world full of glamour, Queenie pointed out the bad effect of it in her during her teenage years.

On her recent post on Instagram, the 27-year old mom shared that when she was younger, she had a misconception about being beautiful.

Queenie Padilla
(Photo source: @queeniepadillarevert IG)

The meaning of beauty she knew before was brought by the standard in show business.

“Being exposed to the life of celebrity and the superficial standards of “beauty” showbiz embedded in my brain destroyed me as a teenager,” she shared.

She admitted that he had to deal with the fact the her body size was not like those model of Victoria Secret.

Other problems she faced during her teenage years were her sensitive skin and teeth.

These made her insecure and delusional and she had to do certain measures to reach the standard of beauty in showbiz.

On the other hand, she realized that it is not her fault to be who and what she is.

Queen Padilla also said that if there is one thing she can tell to her teenage self, she will say:

“Stop stressing about these things, take it easy. You are beautiful, you are talented, you are intelligent, you are intellectual and you should stop absorbing negativity. Focus on what you have been blessed with. Nobody’s perfect. Everyone has their strengths and weakness. Embrace them. You are you. Think about the good things you can do to make an impact in the world. Be productive. Make your dreams come true. It’s okay to be a size 10-12, you don’t need to be a size 8 to be beautiful. You can achieve a healthy body weight by eating right and exercising. You can have flawless skin and straight teeth. All the more now with the revolutionary modern dental, skin treatments available out there. There is always a solution to every problem.”

Now, she is thankful that motherhood had brought her different perspective in life.

Queenie also advised teenagers including her daughter that it is okay to embrace their flaws.

She added that if young people take time to beautify their outside appearance, more importantly, they should also beautify their souls.


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