After a decade, here is the life now of controversial Bb. Pilipinas-World 2008 Janina San Miguel
Bb. Pilipinas-World 2008 Janina San Miguel was controversial because of how she answered the question asked to her during the Q & A portion of the beauty pageant.
She was asked about her family’s role in her joining the pageant.
The way she answered the question was incoherent which contradicted her statement before answering.

She said, “I don’t feel any pressure right now.” Janina’s said line became a trend.
Janina reasoned out to the judges that her answer was due to lack of experience in joining pageant. It was her first time and she was just 17 years old that time.
Here is a transcription of her answer from MSN Entertainment:
“Well, my family’s role for me is so important b’coz there was the wa- they’re, they was the one who’s… very… Hahahaha… Oh I’m so sorry, Ahhmm… My pamily… My family… Oh my god… I’m… Ok, I’m so sorry… I… I told you that I’m so confident… Eto, Ahhmm, Wait… Hahahaha, Ahmmm, Sorry guys because this was really my first pageant ever b’coz I’m only 17 years old and ahahaha I, I did not expect that I came from, I came from one of the tough 10. Hmmm, so… but I said dot my family is the most important persons in my life. Thank you.”
Despite of that, she was crowned as the Bb. Pilipinas-World 2008.
However, she surrendered her title on the same year her grandfather died.
After ten years, Janina San Miguel is living a simple life now, away from the spotlight of pageant stage.
Based on the article published in GMA Entertainment, she is now a wife and a mother.
The former beauty queen married Indian national Vishal Sahota in 2014.
At the age of 27, Janina San Miguel stood by her answer to the question during the 2008 pageant.
She said that her family is very important for her and now she proves that by being a good mother to her child and wife to her husband.
(photos: GMA Entertainment)