Dominic Roque Sets Limits and Disables Comments on Instagram Posts

After the news broke that Bea Alonzo and Dominic Roque had separated, many rumors emerged regarding the true reason behind their breakup despite their engagement and impending wedding this year. One of these rumors includes the alleged investigation close to Bea regarding Dominic Roque’s real job, as well as his residence in an expensive and exclusive condominium, and alleged ownership by a controversial politician.

Bea has been in the showbiz industry for a long time, and most of her films have been blockbusters, especially those paired with John Lloyd Cruz. Additionally, considering her numerous endorsements, it cannot be denied that she has earned and invested a substantial amount. Some even say that Bea is already a budding billionaire due to her properties and savings in the bank. Hence, Dominic’s true intentions with Bea became a significant issue.

In Dominic’s post, he seemingly defended Bea by saying, “Beautiful person inside & out…no bashing, please!” However, it is noticeable that he ended with “no Bashing Please.” Perhaps this is due to the overwhelming amount of bashing he receives on social media, which may be the reason why comments are now limited or disabled on his Instagram account.

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