Nose Of Jade Thrasher Develops A Hole Caused By Ordinary Bad Habit

This Bad Habit Caused The Nose Of Jade Thrasher To Develop A Hole

You know, not all habits we apply everyday to our body is good. We all have bad habits and we even enjoy doing these things daily not knowing that excessive applications can severely affect your life. There is a certain woman from Tennessee named Jade Thrasher. She wants to deliver this very important message to people to stop this routine that caused to develop a hole in her nose and nearly cost her life.

noseLike an ordinary person, she works as a nurse and married to her husband named, Matthew. Her life went into struggles when her father noticed something odd sore that forms on her nose which is the result of her addiction.

“There was so much pressure to be tanned everyone wanted to be bronzed,” she said.

“It is seen as unattractive to be pale where we live in Nashville.”


In the year 2014, she began to feel bothered in the same spot that her father lastly noticed in her nose when it began to burst and cannot be healed. That time she was thinking of getting a biopsy to ensure that she was not in the state of what she was thinking but it’s exactly like that.

According to trendingnewsbuzzer, she was transferred to Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville to removed the dime-sized hole out of her nostrils. Also, the infected skin in her chest was replaced which caused to form a six-inch long scar. All of these tragedies are the result of her tanning habits.


As what the photo had shown above, Jade wants to show the picture of hers to the teenagers for them to see what it’s look like to have a hole in your nose when you continue your tanning habit.

She admits that she used to have a sunbed in their house but now instead of selling it, she rather throws it in the trash because her concern is she doesn’t want somebody to experience the same situation she had experienced. Jade said, she really regret the years of tanning.

One thing she was very fortunate with is that her skin doesn’t need to undergo chemotherapy. Almost two months of pain she went through before she totally got recovered. Since then, she is on the process of laser surgery to make the scars in her nose and chest less visible.

What Jade had shown to us is a lesson she learned from having excessive tanning habits. This warning is not just for her but for all of us. As what she said, you have to be confident in your skin, regardless of what color it is.

Just be contented of what you have and be thankful for it.

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