How Does Pokemon Go Work – A Science Explanation Of Cathin’em All

People today are fond of this latest version of the famous game Pokemon Go. If your one of them and you found it hard to “catch ’em all”, well this video is for you. Do you know that there is science behind catching all your favorite monsters? And how you can successfully find one of them? This Mr. Einstien that looks Mr. Thor wearing a Pokemon printed shirt here will explain the science behind Pokemon Go and how this famous game works with the help of technology.

We’re not saying you have to believe him, we’re just saying “believe the science” because it is science that made your favorite game (well it’s really Tajiri Satosh who made the previous version of the game Pokemon and the version Pokemon Go was the idea of Satoru Iwata of Nintendo and Tsunekazu Ishihara of The Pokémon Company) so, did one of them explain how did the game works? Of course, they did (it’s in the manual) wait, what? There’s a manual? Nobody knows that, maybe because the manual does not really exist.

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