Rendon Labador Considers VivaMax Acting Career

Self-proclaimed motivational speaker Rendon Labador has recently sparked discussions with his Facebook post about considering a career in acting, specifically with VivaMax. In his caption, Labador wrote, “Okay ba bigayan dito kung sakali?🤔 Motivate kasi ako ng motivate sa mga tao hindi naman nag babago, kaya napapaisip tuloy ako ngayon 🤔 Ano sa tingin ninyo?” This translates to, “Is the compensation good here if ever? 🤔 I keep motivating people but they don’t change, so I’m thinking about it now 🤔 What do you think?”

Rendon Rosmar

Labador has been a trending topic lately, especially following a controversial incident last month involving influencer Rosmar Tan. The duo, along with Team Malakas, were at the City Hall of Palawan for an event. The controversy began when a city hall employee posted on Facebook about the dissatisfaction of people who had waited long hours for the activity. The situation escalated into a heated exchange, leading to a viral video.

The video drew considerable backlash from netizens who disapproved of Labador and Tan’s actions. The public outcry reached a point where there were calls for Labador and Tan to be declared persona non grata in Palawan, despite their public apologies along with Team Malakas.

Labador’s recent post seems to be a call for public opinion on whether he should venture into the world of showbiz via VivaMax. His followers and critics alike are now weighing in on whether he fits the mold of a VivaMax actor. VivaMax, known for its bold and daring content, could present a new avenue for Labador, but it also raises questions about the kind of image he wishes to project.

Rendon Labador has built his brand on motivation and empowerment, often addressing his audience with a no-nonsense approach. His pivot to acting, especially with a platform like VivaMax, might be seen as a stark contrast to his motivational persona. However, it could also be an opportunity for him to reach a broader audience and perhaps present his messages in a different light.

As Labador contemplates this career shift, his audience’s feedback will likely play a significant role in his decision. The reactions are mixed—some are curious and supportive of this potential new chapter, while others are skeptical and critical of his motivations and suitability for acting.

Ultimately, whether Rendon Labador will join VivaMax remains to be seen. His consideration of this new path highlights the ongoing evolution of public figures and influencers, who continuously seek new platforms and methods to engage and expand their reach. As with any significant career decision, the support and opinions of his audience will undoubtedly influence his final choice.

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