Rendon Labador Requests Persona Non-Grata Status in Coron, Excludes Rosmar Tan

Rendon Labador has requested to be declared persona non grata in Coron, Palawan while excluding Rosmar Tan from this designation. This development follows a proposal by Juan Patricio Eyes, a Municipal Council of Coron member, to declare both Labador and Tan as persona non grata in the municipality. The resolution aims to express that Tan and Labador are unwelcome in the city, with a final decision expected after the council’s session on June 24.

In a Facebook post, Juan Patricio Eyes announced his intention to present the resolution at the next regular session of the Municipal Council. “This is an important step to show everyone that we do not tolerate undesirable behavior in our community,” Eyes stated.

The issue began when Rosmar Tan and Rendon Labador allegedly scolded a municipal staff member over a social media post. The post implied that the staff member’s criticism stemmed from not receiving a supposed bribe of three thousand pesos. The staff member had complained about the long wait and hunger experienced by many attendees at a charity event hosted by Tan and Labador. The post suggested that the delay was due to Tan and Labador’s tardiness, which angered many netizens.

As a result, many netizens expressed their outrage towards Tan and Labador and supported the resolution to declare them persona non grata in Coron. Following this outcry, Rosmar Tan issued a public apology for the incident. Subsequently, Rendon Labador made a Facebook post requesting that he alone be declared persona non grata, sparing Rosmar Tan from the same fate.

In his official statement, Labador emphasized his willingness to take full responsibility for the incident, urging the council and the public to exclude Rosmar Tan from any negative repercussions. This plea was an effort to shield Tan from further backlash and allow her to continue her activities without the stigma of being unwelcome in Coron.

The upcoming Municipal Council session on June 24 will be crucial in determining the outcome of this resolution. The decision will reflect the council’s stance on public conduct and accountability, setting a precedent for how similar issues might be handled in the future. The community’s response and the council’s decision will likely have significant implications for both Labador and Tan, as well as for the broader social media and public relations landscape in Coron.

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