Rosmar Tan and Rendon Labador Could Be Declared Persona Non Grata in Coron, Palawan

Juan Patricio Eyes, a Municipal Council of Coron, Palawan member, has proposed a resolution to declare Rosmar Tan and Rendon Labador as persona non grata in their municipality. The purpose of this resolution is to indicate that Tan and Labador are not welcome in the city, with a final decision expected after the session on June 24.

The declaration of persona non grata is a symbolic action that signifies a community’s disapproval of an individual or group. Although it is not legally binding and does not prohibit a person from entering the area, it carries significant implications for the image and reputation of those declared persona non grata.

Meanwhile, Mayor Marjo Reyes has ordered an investigation into the incident. He expressed disappointment over the events, especially since he was not in the office when the tension occurred. “Such incidents are unacceptable, and we need to understand the root cause to ensure that it does not happen again,” said Mayor Reyes.

In a Facebook post, Juan Patricio Eyes expressed his intention to present the resolution at the next regular session of the Municipal Council. “This is an important step to show everyone that we do not tolerate undesirable behavior in our community,” Eyes added.

In response, Rendon Labador released a statement on his Facebook account: “Thank you very much, Mayor Marjo Reyes. On behalf of #TeamMalakas, we support Coron, Palawan in strengthening tourism and emerging businesses. #TeamMalakas will continue to assist those in need.” This statement reflects his ongoing support for the community despite the controversy.

Rosmar Tan, also known as Rosemarie Tan, is a prominent social media personality recognized for her charitable activities, especially during the pandemic. Many people follow her on various social media platforms due to her philanthropy and involvement in social issues.

As the community awaits the decision of the Municipal Council on June 24, it is crucial to monitor how this will affect the relationship between local officials and the public with Tan and Labrador. This incident highlights the importance of proper conduct and interaction with the communities they visit.

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