Ryza Cenon’s Culinary Odyssey: A Joyful Return to School and the Pursuit of Passion

In a delightful event, Ryza Cenon shared her new journey into the field of culinary arts, accompanied by her friend Louise delos Reyes. In a photo, the smiles of the two renowned actresses can be seen as Ryza announced her return to school on Friday, November 24.

Ryza Cenon's Culinary Journey

Despite their successful careers in showbiz, Ryza Cenon seems unsatisfied with the success she has achieved. In a post on her social media, the actress revealed her decision to go back to school and continue her studies in the field of culinary arts.

Ryza Cenon's Culinary Journey

Joining her on this new journey is Louise delos Reyes, who appears excited and supportive of her friend’s decision. In the photo, the joy and happiness of the two are evident as they are captured together.

Despite her busy schedule as an actress, Ryza found the time to pursue her passion for cooking. Because showbiz projects may not be lifelong or consistent, having additional skills apart from acting becomes more important.

Ryza Cenon's Culinary Journey

With Ryza Cenon’s return to culinary school, she becomes an inspiration to others to always strive and pursue their dreams. Alongside Louise delos Reyes, their journey seems to have become even happier and more successful with new opportunities.

In a world full of unique challenges, Ryza once again gathered the courage to follow her heart and passion. Her dual roles as an actress and a culinary student serve as proof that life is full of possibilities and opportunities for anyone willing to work hard and dream big.

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