Here are the amazing facts about grapes
Grapes are among the most-loved fruits around the globe but there are more amazing facts about this food that many people might not know yet.
Aside from providing a delicious treat for people, there are several uses for this fruit. Although it is well-loved by many people, this is one of the most dangerous foods for dogs. Here are the facts about this fruit that will surely surprise you.
Used to make synthetic leather
Based on the article in Mental Floss, an Italian company called Vegea, founded in 2018, has made a fully recyclable and biodegradable leather product from the grape waste left over from winemaking.

What you eat is different from those that are for winemaking
The qualities required for making wine are different from the ones presented on tables. Wine grapes have seeds and thicker skins. This gives more flavor and color to the wine.
Humans influenced the evolution for 22,000 years
A study in 2017 focused on wild and domesticated grapes. It was found out that the samples diverged during the last Ice Age, around 22,000 years ago—thousands of years before humans started to cultivate them. Prior to domestication, there was a steady decline in population. Experts believe that humans foraging this fruit in the wild contributed to its evolution. It is also believed that this is probably the first domesticated fruit. Most wines originate from a single domesticated grape species.

The ancestral type has much less variation in color
The wild ancestor of modern-day wine varieties was likely black which is the same as the color of the modern-day wild grapes. Anthocyanins are the chemicals found in this fruit that determine their pigment.
Kyoho is the largest grape variety
It is a European-American hybrid that originated in Japan in 1937 and it was produced by a grape breeder who crossed the Centennial grape with the Ishiharawase.