Yellow Watermelon: What You Need To Know About This Fruit

Have you eaten a yellow watermelon?

Here are the things you need to know about yellow watermelon, a refreshing fruit, and another variety of the common red watermelon.

The outside appearance of the yellow one is just similar to the red one, like the size, shape, and striped green rind. However, when this is cut open, a bright yellow inside is what you will see and not the deep read that you have probably enjoyed every summer.

The yellow color came from beta-carotene which is a pigment found in yellow and orange produce that is converted into vitamin A in the body, based on the article in Reader’s Digest. When it comes to the aspect of botanical, this kind of fruit belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family and is classified as Citrullus lanatus.

yellow watermelon

There are several kinds of yellow watermelon, such as Yellow Doll, Desert King, Yellow Crimson, Yellow Flesh Black Diamond, and Buttercup Yellow Melon. Some may think that this is genetically modified but the yellow variety is all-natural. This has been around for thousands of years already. It was said that this has been cultivated even prior to the red variety. The yellow variety is softer and has a milder flavor. Some can taste “meatier” and less watery than certain red ones.

What’s the difference between the red and the yellow watermelons? The obvious difference is the color of the flesh. The yellow color is from beta-carotene, a known antioxidant that is also found in carrots and sweet potatoes while the red color is from lycopene, a naturally occurring crimson pigment that’s related to beta-carotene. However, this is not converted into vitamin A in the body.

Behind these differences, yellow and red watermelons share similarities. Both of them have the same nutritional benefits, including being a good source of vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fiber.

The red variety, which is more popular, can easily be bought in grocery stores while the yellow variety is often sold in specialty food markets and farmers markets.

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