Anti-Trump Protests In United States Went Violent On Second Night

For two straight nights, the Anti-Trump protests had gone worse and some demonstrators had already resorted to violence.

Two nights after the Republicans dominated the November 8 Presidential Election in the United States of America (USA), the Anti-Trump protests have gone violent.

Particulary in the state of Oregon, on the second night of Anti-Trump protests, several thousand of demonstrators gathered in the center of the western city of Portland, where some smashed shop and car windows.

The police officers also recorded incidents of firecrackers throwing and rubbish set alight.

Anti-Trump protests
Anti-Trump protesters with their placards.

As of this writing, the Portland Police had arrested 29 people after it declared a riot. Although the Anti-Trump protests had resulted to violence, the demonstrations in other American cities were smaller than on Wednesday.

According to police officers, some protesters carried bats and armed themselves with rocks, which they would throw to the police, who responded with rubber baton rounds and pepper spray.

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