A statement from the Kensington Palace wrote that Prince Harry wants the media to stop harassing his American girlfriend, actress Meghan Markle.
Kensington Palace released a rare statement on Tuesday, writing the appeal of Prince Harry of England to the members of the media against the alleged harassment to his American girlfriend, actress Meghan Markle.
The statement confirmed Prince Harry and Meghan’s relationship for the first time but said that the pair’s relationship has subjected her to harassment by the press and social media trolls.
According to the Palace’s statement, the past week has seen the media crossing the line where the press had been sexist and exercised racial abuse.

READ ALSO: Prince Harry Dates TV Actress Meghan Markle.
The statement, issued by the communications secretary of Prince Harry through Kensington’s official Twitter account, read: “His girlfriend, Meghan Markle, has been subject to a wave of abuse and harassment”.
It also said that some of these abuses had been very public, like the one which appeared on a national newspaper’s front page, racial undertones of commentaries, and some comments on the web articles. But there were also some which were been hidden from the public.
The statement revealed that Meghan’s mother had to struggle past photographers who flocked to get to her front door while the actress herself encountered some members of the press who tried to break into her home while her ex-lover had been offered “substantial bribes” by many publishers.
According to the statement, Prince Harry is worried about the safety of Markle and is “deeply disappointed that he has not been able to protect her”.
The 32 year old prince asked that his statement be issued so that the members of the press behind the harassment to his girlfriend with hopes that it could “pause and reflect before any further damage is done”.
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