Donald Trump Fashion style became the hot trend topic over the social media.
US Elect-President Donald Trump’s clothing style is being discussed in the online world. As his photo shows that he scotch-taped the back of his favorite red power tie.
Trump can always be seen wearing variations of the same traditional suit accented by an enthusiastic tie. He was known as a strict Businessman.
Trump prefers to wear suits for his everyday life. He can always be seen wearing his classical suit which is always perfect.
Trump’s tie was too long and bright for a businessman. Classically the tie should reach man’s waistline. But it is said to be the unique peculiarities of Trump.
Donald Trump caught the attention of the online community after his photos went viral on the social media.
According to a report in US Magazine, December 1, 2016, Donald Trump landed at the airport in Indianapolis to visit the Carrier air conditioning plant. The future US President faced a stiff breeze at the airport.

The report said the wind was strong and whipped the red power tie of Trump over his shoulder, revealing that tie was held together with a scotch tape.
The viral photo of Trump shows at least two pieces of Scotch tape that appear to be securing the tie’s tail to the back of the tie’s larger end.
The Photographer captured the moment when the wind blew Trump’s tie over his shoulder, which revealed that he had affixed two pieces of clear tape to keep it in place.
His photo caught the attention of the netizens on the social media. It went viral and became the hot trend topic on Twitter.
Many of the Social media users shared his photos with some funny captions. In fact, some people even began to refer to the ordeal as #TieGate.
The viral photo of Trump was now taking the social media by storm!