7 Habits You Should Avoid To Have A Good Sleep At Night

List of 7 Habits You Must Not Do To Enjoy A Good Night Sleep

HABITS – Here is a list of seven(7) habits that you should avoid so you can have a good sleep at night.

Undeniably, what makes a lot of people lethargic throughout the day is the fact that they did not have a good sleep at night or they experienced insomnia. It is not enough that you have several hours to sleep.

Aside from the quantity of sleeping hours, the quality also matters. A good sleep definitely results to more energy to do the daily tasks with extraordinary performance.

Have you ever thought about what causes your poor sleep at night?

Photo Courtesy of Sachtimes

Based on an article on Very Well Health, we may have habits that we should avoid to enjoy a good sleep at night. Most of these are unconsciously done thus changing them needs effort and determination.

Here is the list of seven(7) habits to avoid for a good night sleep:

1. Too cold or too warm temperature inside the room

Unconsciously, any of the two(2) mentioned above disturbs your sleep. Your body can easily sense the temperature even its slightest change.

2. Eating too much before sleeping

A lot of people undeniably like to eat a lot as it makes them sleep after. The truth is that this habit is one of those preventing you from having a good night sleep. It can ignite heartburn symptoms and awake you to pee at night.

3. Filling your room with entertaining devices

The light emitted by the television, the computer screen, the gaming systems, and other devices can disrupt your sleep. Also, it can be harmful as it emits radiation.

4. Exercising before going to bed

Based on the article, exercising before going to bed may do the opposite than what is commonly expected that it will tire a person. It can increase the heart rate, the body temperature, and the blood pressure.

5. Lying awake in bed

Our bodies also recognize systems. It is important to associate your bed with sleeping to avoid insomnia. In case you are struggling to get to sleep, it is a whole lot better to get out of your bed first and reset.

6. Taking extended naps during daytime

Known to most, extended naps during the day may actually affect the sleep at night most especially for adults. Based on the article, it is important to get your body used to a specific length of sleep during the day without affecting your night sleep.

7. Cutting back your sleep when your schedule demands

As mentioned that the body easily recognizes a system, it is not a good idea to cut back sleep when you are busy. It will keep you from sleeping soundly even when the task waiting for you can be done next week.

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