Guide on How Much You Need To Prepare for the UV Express Franchise
UV EXPRESS FRANCHISE – Here is a guide on how much you need to prepare to start running a UV Express business.
Undeniably, one of the best ways to keep your money growing is through a business. You may invest on some popular businesses in the country – but you should consider all the factors related to it first.
You might like to start with a hit business. It is necessary to ask yourself the needs of the populace daily – and the list will surely include the means for transportation.
When it comes to the said field, there are a lot of options. You can buy your own jeepney, have it registered, and buy a franchise. You may also join the operation of UV Express vehicles.

Based on an article on iFranchise, there is no UV Express franchise fee in starting this type of business or joining the team. You just have to prepare for the documentation and the processing fees.
With regards to the aforementioned fees for the UV Express franchise, it may only need Php 570.00.
Apart from preparing the vehicles and the money for the processing and documentation fees, let the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) assist you.
You may reach out to the LTFRB through any of the following:
Hotline: 1342
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: LTFRB Citizen Enforcer
Public Assistance & Complaint Desk: 426-2515 / 426-25-34
Based on the article, there are no royalty fees in franchising UV Express. The return of investment will take a maximum of two(2) years.
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