Signs That Someone Is Having a Money Disorder

Is it possible to have money disorder? What are the signs that you have one?

Money disorder refers to a chronic pattern of self-destructive financial behavior. This may lead you to significant consequences in your life.

Money Disorder
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Here are some of the signs that you may have this kind of disorder. Have a look!

Avoidance or denial

Once you’re uncomfortable once you hear the word “money” or even quickly tries to change the subject, that could be a sign that you have that one. You may tend to avoid talking about money even though you’re in a financial trouble.

Change in spending habits

If there’s a sudden shift on your day-to-day spending habits from either significantly more or significantly less, then something’s not right on you.

Physical symptoms

You can easily spot if you have this kind of disorder by just looking at your physical appearance. Having weight loss, weight gain, fatigue or even trouble in sleeping can arise from the stress of having this kind of disorder.

Mental symptoms

This kind of disorder can manifest as other mental health issues, such as anxiety or even depression. According to an article, “a person struggling with a money disorder may be suddenly more withdrawn or more on edge than their typical demeanor.

If you think that you have this kind of disorder, you can either seek professional help from those who is dedicated to help you instead of taking your money and potentially making your situation even worse, reach out to a friend or family member who can help hold you accountable or support you, or you can join a support group.

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