Afternoon Weather Forecast for 19 January 2024: Northeast Monsoon and Easterlies Dominate

As of 4:00 PM today, the weather forecast paints a varied picture across the Philippines, with distinct weather patterns influencing different regions. The dominant players are the Northeast Monsoon affecting Northern and Central Luzon and the Easterlies, accompanied by Localized Thunderstorms, impacting Metro Manila and the rest of the country.

Afternoon Weather Update

Cagayan Valley, Cordillera Administrative Region, and Ilocos Region: In these areas, expect partly cloudy to cloudy skies with isolated light rains. The Northeast Monsoon is responsible for these conditions, but the impact is not significant. Residents in these regions can anticipate a relatively calm weather scenario, with no major disruptions expected.

Metro Manila and the Rest of the Country: For Metro Manila and the rest of the country, the forecast calls for partly cloudy to cloudy skies with isolated rain showers or thunderstorms. This atmospheric setup is attributed to the Easterlies and Localized Thunderstorms. While these conditions may not seem severe, it’s crucial to note the potential for flash floods or landslides during severe thunderstorms. Residents are advised to stay vigilant and be prepared for abrupt weather changes.

Wind and Coastal Water Conditions: The eastern sections of Southern Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao will experience strong winds from the Northeast to the East, with coastal waters becoming rough (2.8 to 3.5 meters). This heightened wind activity can pose challenges for marine activities and small watercraft.

The rest of the country will experience moderate to strong winds from the East to the Northeast, accompanied by moderate to rough coastal waters (1.2 to 2.8 meters). While not as intense as in the eastern sections, caution is still advised for those venturing into open waters.

Afternoon Weather Update

Residents and stakeholders in these areas need to stay updated on the latest weather advisories from relevant authorities. Being prepared for sudden changes in weather conditions, especially during localized thunderstorms, can significantly enhance safety measures and minimize potential risks.

The Philippines is currently under the influence of both the Northeast Monsoon and Easterlies, leading to diverse weather conditions across different regions. Stay informed, stay safe, and be prepared for any unexpected developments in the weather.

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