Afternoon Weather Forecast for January 20, 2024: Mixed Conditions Across the Philippines

The latest weather forecast, issued at 4:00 PM on January 20, 2024, provides valuable insights into the current weather conditions across different regions of the Philippines. As the Northeast Monsoon influences Northern Luzon, residents are advised to stay informed about the changing weather patterns and potential impacts. Let’s delve into the detailed forecast for various areas and the accompanying wind and coastal water conditions.

Afternoon Weather Forecast

In the northern regions of Ilocos, Cordillera Administrative Region, and Cagayan Valley, residents can expect partly cloudy to cloudy skies with isolated light rains. These conditions are attributed to the prevailing Northeast Monsoon, with no significant impact anticipated. Residents should remain vigilant, although the overall forecast indicates relatively stable weather.

For Metro Manila and the rest of the country, the weather forecast includes partly cloudy to cloudy skies with isolated rain showers or thunderstorms. These localized thunderstorms could bring about the possibility of flash floods or landslides during severe occurrences. Residents in these areas should stay updated on local advisories and be prepared for sudden weather changes.

The eastern sections of Visayas and Mindanao will experience strong winds coming from the east to northeast, leading to rough coastal waters ranging from 2.8 to 3.4 meters. It is crucial for maritime activities in these areas to exercise caution due to the challenging sea conditions. Fishermen and boat operators should take extra precautions to ensure safety.

The rest of the country can expect moderate to strong winds from the east to northeast, resulting in moderate to rough coastal waters ranging from 1.2 to 2.8 meters. While not as intense as in the eastern sections, residents in these areas are advised to remain cautious, especially those engaged in coastal and water-related activities.

Afternoon Weather Forecast

Staying informed about the latest weather forecasts is essential for everyone’s safety and well-being. As the Northeast Monsoon affects Northern Luzon and localized thunderstorms impact other regions, residents should remain vigilant and follow official advisories. Taking appropriate precautions will help mitigate potential risks associated with the forecasted weather conditions.

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