Businessman Allegedly Offering 20 Million for Finding Asteroid Seen in the Philippines Today

A viral post circulating on the Facebook page “Puro Porma” claims that a businessman is allegedly offering a reward of Php 20 million to anyone who can find the rare Asteroid RW1, which was reportedly sighted early in the morning. According to the post, the asteroid was spotted at exactly 12:36 AM in the skies over the Philippines.


The businessman said to be a well-known figure in the country, promised this substantial reward to any Filipino who could locate the mysterious asteroid. Those who claim to have seen the celestial object describe it as a rare phenomenon that could bring great fortune to whoever manages to find it. It was first seen in the southeastern part of the country, sparking excitement among many.

However, experts have cautioned the public about potential dangers in the search for this asteroid. While the idea of gaining wealth from such a discovery is appealing, they warn that chasing after asteroids could involve serious risks, and the public should be mindful of their safety.

Despite these warnings, many Filipinos have expressed interest and excitement, with some already formulating plans on how to locate the asteroid. News of the reward spread quickly, not just among neighbors and in marketplaces but especially across social media platforms as you can see in the comment section of the said post. Online discussions have exploded with various theories and strategies on how to capture the elusive space rock.

Although asteroids can indeed have significant value, it is still unclear whether this specific post has any truth to it. Given the rise of fake news and misleading posts online, there is concern that the announcement may simply be an attempt to garner likes and shares for the page. As of now, the post remains unverified, and readers are urged to be cautious before believing such claims.

In an era where social media hoaxes are rampant, it’s crucial to fact-check information before getting caught up in the hype. The truth behind this alleged asteroid reward remains to be seen.

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