Dondon Alle’s A Third-Generation Religious Sculptor Rooted in Family Tradition

The inherited talent of religious sculpture from the town of Valladolid, Negros Occidental, is truly a legacy, embodied by Dondon Alles. He belongs to a lineage of sculptors, spanning three generations, starting from his grandfather, Rogelio Alles Sr., to his father, Rogelio Alles Jr.

Don Don

In today’s age, the art of woodcarving for saints is becoming scarce, especially in Negros Occidental, where few engage in this craft compared to places like Paete, Laguna, known as the sculpture capital of the Philippines.

The Alles family in Sagua Banwa, Valladolid, Negros Occidental, is renowned for crafting saintly images, starting with their grandfather, Rogelio Alles. Now, Dondon Alle continues this tradition as a third-generation sculptor.

The Catholic faith during Holy Week is incomplete without the saints symbolizing the pain and sacrifices of our Lord, essential for our redemption from sin. Thus, Catholics have deep faith not only in the Philippines but worldwide.

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Sculpture is no easy feat, requiring a vivid imagination to bring an image to life, especially in earlier times when Google was not available to aid in visual references.

Dondon spends 15 to 30 days sculpting a single statue, a craft he began in his youth and continues now with his own family and children. His father, also a sculptor, faces challenges due to failing eyesight, limiting the details he can work on.

Dondon gained recognition after carving the expansive section of the church in Valladolid, Negros Occidental, impressively curving the tough molave wood into a 7×8 feet masterpiece.

Don Don

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