Mall Operating Hours for the 2024 Holiday Season

As the Christmas season approaches, the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) has announced measures to mitigate the expected surge in traffic. These include adjusting mall operating hours and suspending certain roadworks to help alleviate congestion across the capital region.

Mall Hours 2024

In Memorandum Circular No. 15, the MMDA has mandated that shopping malls in Metro Manila adjust their operating hours from 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM, effective November 18 to December 25, 2024. The directive affects 131 malls across the National Capital Region (NCR) and aims to ease traffic congestion, particularly during peak hours.

The MMDA has also imposed a ban on mall-wide sales during this period to further minimize potential traffic buildup. However, individual stores and outlets within the malls may conduct sales on weekdays, as long as they refrain from making public announcements or advertisements regarding these promotions.

Delivery schedules for malls will also be strictly regulated. Under the new guidelines, deliveries will only be allowed between 11:00 PM and 5:00 AM, ensuring that delivery trucks do not contribute to the daytime traffic. Exceptions will be made for deliveries of perishable goods, which will continue to follow a more flexible schedule.

During a press briefing held on Wednesday at the MMDA Head Office, Chairman Romando Artes highlighted the importance of these measures, saying they are essential to prevent Metro Manila’s major roads from turning into “massive parking lots” due to the holiday rush. The MMDA expects a significant increase in vehicular traffic as more people head out for holiday shopping, which has been a persistent problem in previous years.

The agency will also coordinate with local government units (LGUs), traffic enforcers, and the private sector to ensure that traffic management is optimized. Roadworks and other construction activities that could exacerbate traffic will be temporarily suspended during this period, except for emergency repairs.

With these initiatives in place, the MMDA aims to provide a smoother and more efficient flow of traffic, ensuring that holiday shoppers and commuters can navigate the busy streets of Metro Manila with fewer delays.

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