Senator Gatchalian: Mayor Guo’s Brother is a Chinese National

In a recent development, National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Director Jaime Santiago explained the peculiar case involving two individuals named Alice Leal Guo, both sharing the same birthdate and place of birth in Tarlac. Santiago revealed that another Alice Leal Guo applied for an NBI clearance in 2005, but the fingerprints did not match those of the current mayor, Alice Guo. This revelation adds another layer of complexity to an already convoluted case.

Alice Guo

Senator Sherwin Gatchalian has further complicated the narrative by asserting that Mayor Alice Guo’s brother, Wesley Leal Guo, is a Chinese national named Guo Xiang Dian. Gatchalian based this claim on fingerprint matching conducted by the NBI. According to the Senator, documents from the NBI confirm that Wesley Leal Guo and Guo Xiang Dian are indeed the same person. Gatchalian presented these documents to substantiate his claims, highlighting that Guo Xiang Dian is listed as the son of Lin Wen Yi.

“Guo Xiang Dian is Wesley Leal Guo. This is according to the fingerprint matching of the NBI using the Bureau of Immigration (BOI) records and the NBI biometric records,” Gatchalian stated. This assertion raises significant questions about the identities and nationalities involved.

Alice Guo Finger Print

According to the records, Guo Xiang Dian arrived in the Philippines in 1999, listed as the dependent son of Lin Wen Yi, thus establishing a connection with Guo Hua Ping as his brother. This connection further entangles the identities of the Guo family members, casting doubt on their citizenship claims.

Gatchalian also pointed out that Wesley Leal Guo is an incorporator of CDAG Realty Corporation, a business entity in which Alice Guo is the majority owner. This detail underscores the possible misuse of the late registration process, suggesting that the Guo family might have manipulated the system to falsely claim Filipino citizenship.

The Senator’s revelations have sparked widespread concern about the integrity of the late registration process and the potential exploitation of legal loopholes. The implication that a family might have orchestrated a scheme to falsely establish their Filipino identity through dubious means has serious ramifications for the credibility of official records and the processes governing citizenship.

Alice Guo Brother

Director Santiago’s clarification about the two Alice Leal Guos and Senator Gatchalian’s assertions about Wesley Leal Guo’s true identity raise essential questions about the robustness of the identity verification processes in place. As investigations continue, these developments may prompt a review of current procedures to ensure such discrepancies and potential abuses are prevented in the future. The case underscores the need for stringent measures and vigilant oversight to maintain the integrity of national identification systems.

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