First Baby With Three Parents Was Successfully Born

First Baby With Three Parents Was Successfully Born

First baby with three parents was successfully born using a genetic technique that contains their DNA, according to the report of a new scientist.

A genetic technique called “three-parent,” were used, to successfully born the first baby who carries the DNA of three parents, according to a report. A couple from Jordan undergo the procedure to obtain this baby.

This couple loses their two children and miscarriages four pregnancies upon trying to start a family for 20 years. In the US, the procedure wasn’t approved it was performed in Mexico. It was done in New York City, Hope Fertility Center Team that was led by John Zhang.

First Baby

The Jordanian couple has a genetic mutation resulting in having unhealthy babies or pregnancy. The mother of the baby has a genetic disorder called Leigh syndrome which affects the nervous system resulting in bearing her previous two children with the disorder and the other two passed away at a very young age.

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