Worst In US History: 50 Fatality in Florida

Worst in US history, 50 fatality in Orlando Florida concurrent in a gay nightclub.

Worst in the US history was recorded, after an incident happened in a gay nightclub with 50 recorded fatality. In the incident, an alleged man who assaulted in the said venue had committed the crime before the SWAT officers had shoot the man and controlled the situation.

Worst In US History: 50 Fatality in Florida

The worst mass shooting in the American history was indicated to be an act of ultimatum violence in bad faith. The man alleged to be the assaulter was said to get angry when he saw two men kissing in Miami recently. That might be relevant to the attack according to his father.

A surgeon at Orlando Regional Medical Center said that there is likely a chance for the number of fatality to rise. there are 53 people who were still hospitalized and in most fatal condition.

Jackie Smith, who was inside the club said, “Some guy walked in and started shooting everybody. He had an automatic rifle, so nobody stood a chance,” Smith said. “I just tried to get out of there.” He said that two friends next to her were shot.

The man acted alone according to an agent with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. The authorities are still looking into whether it was an act of domestic or international aggression.

The suspect was identified as Omar Mateen of Port St. Lucie, Florida. Father Mir Seddique, said in the news that, “We are saying we are apologizing for the whole incident,we are in shock like the whole country.”

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