Though this is not literally a cookie that makes your sweet tooth happy. It’s a computer terminology. Don’t get confused!
If someone steals your “cookies”, you can be a victim of cookie stuffing. You need to know this, otherwise, this may harm your privacy.

What is Cookie Stuffing?
It is a method of forcing a cookie to your computer. The trick on doing cookie stuff is to sneak on your computer or just ‘stuff’ it on there even without you realizing.
Why Cookie Stuff?
By adopting this approach even if you bypass your affiliate link, your link was instantly installed on the hacker’s computer the second they visited your page.
How do you Cookie Stuff?
You can perform cookie stuff in a few different ways. While the search engines can’t read your content, it can do a good job in picking up on other signals.
Using Black Hat Methods in Cookie Stuffing
These methods were being used by hackers in order for them to illegally stuffing your cookies. These are:
- Image Stuffing Method. This is the easiest and most common method in stuffing cookies. This involves replacing an image source code with an affiliate link in a form of HTML code.
- IFrame Method. This method involves adding 1-pixel x 1-pixel iframe on your webpage. By looking at your page, you may tend to refresh the site just because you may assume that this could be a glitch.
- Altering the .HTACCESS file method. This method could be the safest method as compared to image stuffing and iframe methods. This involves adding some code into a .htaccess file, wherein a .htaccess file may be hidden in a website.
Cookie Stuff is ILLEGAL!
If you want to have an attempt in doing cookie stuff illegally, please don’t do it! By reading this article, you may be able to be better prepared to spot any potential cookie stuff and arm yourself against any potential malicious intent.
Thank you for visiting our website. We hope we have helped you with regards to this matter. You may keep coming back for more informative guides.
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