Doctors Pull 4-Foot Snake Out Of Woman’s Throat In Russia (VIDEO)
4-FOOT SNAKE – Doctors pull out a 4-foot snake from a woman’s throat in Lavashi Russia.
Amidst the coroanvirus pandemic, Russian medical workers were surprised to work on this bizarre incident. According to an article from Inquirer, the animal got inside of the woman’s mouth as she fell asleep in her yard.
Afterward, she felt a feeling of “something alive” inside of her body. Because of this, she sought medical help and went to the hospital. There, doctors placed the woman under a general anesthesia as they found out that a snake had slithered inside her body through her mouth.

Footage of the operation went viral on social media with the doctors using a black tube into the woman’s throat to extract the animal. Seconds later, the tube latched on to the snake and a doctor pulled it out with the help of an assistant.
Here is the full video:
As per the report, it was still unclear how long the snake stayed inside the woman’s body. Furthermore, the medical workers weren’t able to know if the snake was alive or not during the operation.
Meanwhile, the ministry of health in Dagestan has yet to comment on the incident. But, locals have commented that though rare, there are instances of snakes sneaking into people’s mouth if they fall asleep outdoors.
However, others speculated that the animal they pulled out was a parasite or a giant worm. Although, the reported stated that the animal was too large to be considered as a parasite.
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