Heartbreaking Tale: Dog Waited a Year for Owner Who Died of COVID-19

For more than a year, there was a dog that stayed outside MCU Hospital in Caloocan City, whom they often called MORGAN because he was usually found near the MORGUE of the hospital. He was rescued by the Animal Kingdom Foundation.

According to a post from the Animal Kingdom Foundation, they learned from people at MCU Hospital that Morgan’s owner had been admitted there last year due to COVID-19. Unfortunately, his owner passed away. But despite losing his owner, Morgan didn’t leave that place and continued to wait. For over a year, he remained unwavering, unaware that his beloved owner would never return.


The doctors, students, medical representatives, guards, and other hospital staff provided Morgan with food every day. They chose not to report Morgan to the authorities because they knew he might be euthanized if he was taken away.

This illustrates the difference in the hearts of the people at MCU Hospital. Despite being healthcare professionals, they didn’t let Morgan go hungry or be in harm’s way. Instead, they took care of him. This is an example of genuine love for animals and being good human beings.


The story of Morgan and his care should not be forgotten. It serves as a reminder that our pets need our care and love, especially when they become victims of their owners’ neglect. Hopefully, this can inspire others to take care of their pets and not neglect them.

Even though Morgan may not know what’s happening, his hope of seeing his owner again still lingers. Hopefully, he will find a new family that will love him wholeheartedly. Morgan’s story is proof that love for animals is enduring and continues to exist in people’s hearts.

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