A spherical cloud was captured in Japan and the photo was uploaded on social media, netizens were quick to associate it to the ‘”Death Star” of ‘Star Wars’.
Many netizens were left amazed after seeing on social media a photo of a spherical cloud which was spotted in Japan.
It captured the interest of people as it was odd for a cloud formation to look like that.
The said spherical could formation was being associated to the ‘Death Star’ in the popular sci-fi movie titled Star Wars.
It was spotted in Fujisawa City in Kanagawa, Japan, based on the article published in rachfeed.com.
It was said that the woman who took the said photo was in her car when she snapped the image and it was not edited.
“When I looked out of the car window I saw a round ball-shaped cloud. I gazed at the cloud for a while then I rushed to take the photo,” the woman said on her post.

She added that when the first moment she saw the spherical cloud, it was more spherical-shaped than the time she took a photo of it.
According to her, she regretted that she did not take a photo of the cloud right away.
It seems that it is not the first time that someone has experienced seeing the same thing on the sky.
It was said that in 2015, a Twitter user also uploaded a captured image of the same phenomenon which was taken from another part of Japan.
Is there any scientific explanation about this strange-looking cloud?
Based on the article, some believed that the spherical cloud is a rare type of low, horizontal cloud formation which is usually associated to thunderstorms and they called it roll clouds.
On the other hand, doubts arise in this explanation because some pointed out that roll clouds are more cylindrical and not round shape.
Todd Lane, an atmospheric scientist from the University of Melbourne, Australia explained that the woman who took the photo from Fujisawa was just lucky enough that she was in the location where the cloud looked spherical, had it been taken from a different location, it will not look the same, based on the article.