Rigoberto Tiglao entitled his opinion article, ‘Duterte should abandon Davao’.
RIGOBERTO – Writer Rigoberto Tiglao entitled his opinion article ‘Duterte should abandon Davao’. He expressed his justifications on why Pres. Rodrigo Duterte should do so.
Pres. Duterte has undeniably hooked a lot of citizens even before he ran for the presidential spot. The former mayor of Davao City has already made a name before he secured the highest post in the country.
He has served Davao City for more than two decades and certain policies and advocacies in the city have been praised even by people from other areas of the country.

A big portion of the populace indeed hope for the promise of ‘change’ of Pres. Duterte. He won the presidential race through a landslide victory in the 2016 election against four other presidential bets.
Recently, one journalist, Rigoberto Tiglao who has also previously spoken against former Pres. Fidel V. Ramos based on a previous news report, expressed in his opinion article in The Manila Times that Pres. Duterte should ‘stop making Davao City his main world’.
In his opinion article entitled ‘Duterte should abandan Davao’, Tiglao clarified his point that the 71-year-old President should leave behind his ‘city-mayor mindset’ and stop making the city his ‘main world’ for the good of the Philippines.
He further stated that much of the things where the President failed in his first six months are perhaps ‘because his world hasn’t become the entire Philippines, but still Davao City’.
Tiglao pointed out that Pres. Duterte is the president of the whole country – not just of Davao City or Mindanao.
He cited that reports in newspapers bear that the President spend most of his time in Davao City, which won’t go below a three-hour travel from Manila, and stated that there is no doubt on why he ‘often seems sleepy’.
He entailed in his article his suspicion that the 71-year-old President still bears the same mindset he has when he was the Mayor of Davao City in ordering the police authorities in his war against illegal drugs.
Tiglao also pointed out that almost half of the member of Pres. Duterte’s cabinet and in some significant positions are residence of Davao City or ‘adjacent areas’.
Furthermore, he emphasized that he does not think that Pres. Duterte ‘realizes that his statements are reported verbatim not only in the national press but by foreign news outfits’.
The last point that Tiglao emphasized is that the monitoring of the schedule of the President can’t really be done as the Presidential Communications Operations Office ‘has been so incompetent in its job’.