2016 Nobel Prize Won By Self-Eating Mechanism Of Japanese Scientist

2016 Nobel Prize Won By Yoshinori Ohsumi For His Experiment

2016 Nobel Prize won by self-eating mechanism experiment that can degrade and recycle cells, experimented by Yoshinori Ohsumi, a Japanese scientist.

The Japanese scientist conducts a ground-breaking experiment where cells in the body can be degraded and recycle their components through exposure of body defense mechanism to yeast. On Monday (October 03, 2016), the prize committee said that this invention leads people to a better understanding of serious diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Autophagy or self-eating is the science behind the process which can give a better understanding of the cell degeneration and recycle content. Ohsumi said that when he was starting he thought that breakdown of cells would be interesting.

2016 nobel prize

Yoshinori also said that autophagy is important because it can help the error in these genes that can be a factor for some diseases. This is the critical tool that Yoshinori gave to the scientist to understand how disrupted autophagy can cause serious illnesses.

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