Why Is It Pancreatic Cancer Is Difficult To Detect On Early Stage?

The Reasons Why Pancreatic Cancer Is Difficult To Detects On Early Stage

The reasons why pancreatic cancer is difficult to diagnose during its early stage was discussed and revealed by Dr. Prasad Narayanan.

Pancreatic cancer usually occurs in the pancreas, an organ behind the stomach. It rises from exocrine glands which produce pancreatic juice. This type of cancer was difficult to diagnose due to pancreatic juice produced by our exocrine glands.

In the United States, people who were diagnosed with this disease only survive beyond one year due to lack of awareness. The survival rate for this disease was just only 5 percent for five years even after undergoing several treatments and diagnosis.

Pancreatic Cancer

Patients suffering from this type of cancer was diagnosed in its higher stage. Where treatments and medications can be too late at this stage. The reasons why pancreatic cancer is difficult to detect was revealed by Dr. Prasad Naranayan, Senior Consultant, Medical Oncology, Cytecare.

  • This condition could not be easily diagnosed because it does not produce swelling and abdominal lump outside. Medical experts use several tests such as imaging techniques and blood tests to detect if the disease is suspected.
  • Pancreas is found inside the abdomen and it is surrounded by several organs larger than pancreas. Its head has the gall bladder, liver, and the first part of our duodenum. The body of this organ is near our vertebra.

Pancreatic Cancer

  • Pancreatic cancer was commonly misdiagnosed because this disease was usually diagnosed when symptoms begin to exist. Its symptoms can be usually mistaken as signs of several other conditions, which make it harder to diagnosed.
  • Its symptoms can be mistaken as signs of other health issues such as hepatitis, gallstones, etc. There are no vital symptoms can be detected on this type of cancer. Symptoms such as nausea and vomiting is also a sign of hepatitis A, which may lead to the inadequate secretion of pancreatic enzymes.

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