Rendon Labador ‘Tuloy pa rin Patutsada kay Vice Ganda’

Rendon Labador and Vice Ganda still haven’t been resolved. Even though Rendon Labador’s social media accounts have been almost wiped out, with only his Instagram account remaining after being mass-reported and losing his Facebook, the feud persists.

Vice Ganda Tawa

In his latest post, Labador mentioned that he has a new Facebook page, to which Vice Ganda responded by asking if everyone has reported it yet. The conflict began when Labador brought attention to an incident involving Vice Ganda and their partner on the noontime show “It’s Showtime,” which led to a 12-day suspension of the show. However, they were given the opportunity to submit a motion, so the show continued to air.

The Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) got involved in a significant controversy after it was allegedly influenced by MTRCB Chair Lala Sotto, who happens to be the daughter of former Senator Tito Sotto, a key figure and host of a rival show to “It’s Showtime.”

Rendon Vice

Despite all this, Labador continues to criticize Vice Ganda on his Instagram story by posting video clips from various news sources, including one that suggests “the end of Vice Ganda’s era,” along with comments from former Senator Juan Ponce Enrile against Vice Ganda.

Rendon Labador Vice Ganda

We’ll have to keep watching to see where this issue ultimately leads, as well as the final decision of the MTRCB regarding “It’s Showtime.”

Watch Rendon Labador’s Instagram story to see his updates.

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