Afterlife Experience: Is It Real?

Afterlife Experience Is Already Known To Us, But Is It Really True? The Answer Is Yes.

Afterlife can be experienced because of many reason, some due to coma, and others through dreams.

But it is somehow hard to identify by others, except for Dr. Eben Alexander who amazingly experienced it as more real as living in this world.

Here’s his story.

Dr. Eben Alexander, Harvard trained brain neurosurgeon, is skeptical about Heaven and doesn’t believe in everlasting life after here on Earth.

Until one day that he experienced it himself, that changed his whole perspective as a person.


Afterlife is something that people experience while their bodies are in the state of “unconsciousness”, and eventually coming back to life again.

Dr. Alexander doesn’t believe in human soul and view life materialistically.
Like other skeptics, he only believed in afterlife stories were just imagination and merely hallucinations of people.
But one incident made him experience it. He was in a coma for a week caused by a severe case of bacterial meningitis.
During the coma he experienced a unique journey that opened his mind and heart to “reality”, that Heaven exists and real.
He immediately wrote about his experience upon returning his body, and became the no. 1 NY Times bestseller entitled “Proof of Heaven”.

Here are the important points of his book:

  • His afterlife experience was so real that the experience here on Earth as human is just an artificial dream compared to that.
  • Love dominates everything, that the 3vil’s presence was so small. If you want to understand the Universe, you should know love.
  • All communication is through telepathy. No need of words, and questions were answered telepathically.

He was asked if what he wants everyone to know about the short supernatural life he had, he answered that you are more precious and loved more than you could imagine.
God’s Love is unconditional and perfect.
“Love is, without a doubt, the basis of everything. Not some abstract, hard-to-fathom kind of love, but the day-to-day kind that everyone knows-the-kind of love we feel when we look at our spouse and our children, or even our animals.”

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