Sen. De Lima reacted on the appointment of Mocha Uson as assistant secretary for social media.
DE LIMA – Detained Senator Leila De Lima reacted on the appointment of vocal Duterte supporter Mocha Uson in the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO).
Just like the previous appointment of entertainer-turned-blogger Mocha Uson in the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB), her appointment in the PCCO has elicited various reactions.
Mocha has been appointed as the assistant secretary for social media. Reportedly, it was the idea of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte.

Mocha is a vocal supporter of Pres. Duterte. According to the 72-year-old President, it is now time for him to believe to those people who believed in him and offered their service for free when he has nothing.
Meanwhile, one of those who reacted on the appointment of Mocha in the PCCO is Sen. Leila De Lima – Pres. Duterte’s vocal critic.
Based on a recent news report in Phil Star Global, the detained Senator encouraged the critics of the famous blogger not to judge her based on her past but on how she will perform her job as the assistant secretary for social media.
“She is no longer just a private blogger or social media personality; she is now a civil servant,” Sen. De Lima said.

The lady Senator also expressed her hope that Mocha will be the “purveyor of truth” and factual news based on the report.
Currently, Sen. De Lima is detained in the Philippine National Police (PNP) Custodial Center in Camp Crame.
Reportedly, the lady Senator faces allegations of involvement in the supposed drug trade inside the New Bilibid Prison (NBP) way back when she was the secretary of the Department of Justice.
For several times, she and Pres. Duterte have exchanged intense statements over certain matters.
Sen. De Lima has even received an award for standing up against Pres. Duterte while the Chief Executive named her as one of the government officials who are alleged drug protectors.